Vietnam War: Thomas F. Thomspon

In an emotional, yet intriguing interview with my former boss and family friend, Mr. Tommy Thompson, I was able to listen to the many stories and wise words of his past.

Story time with Layla

Just a little look into Layla's life as a child.

Dad, what can you tell me about Great Grandfather Chinn and the Chinn Fanily name?

My father told me about my Great Grandfather Chinn and the Chinn family name origin a year before he passed away from bladder cancer.

My interview about education

This interview is about education in Kenya refugee camp vs education in the United States of America.

My moms journey to the US

I interviewed my mom and she explained how her life was much different here in milwaukee

Chats with my Great Uncle Art

Art and I talked about his life and opinions on historic events, including World War 2, The Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Kent State Shooting and Watergate.

Dylan and Jamie’s interview

We talked about pop culture related things like music and movies and how they differ from her era to mine. We also had some fun questions and some laughs