The Adventures of Sylvia Oscar

This is a compilation of several stories about my great grandma, Sylvia Oscar. She was a stubborn, tough woman who sometimes made funny mistakes.

Grandpa and I

We talked mainly about his childhood and what he remembers about my mother.

“American Dream” and thankful heart (The great thanksgiving listen)

She talked about her personal experiences and how did American dream affect her to have a thankful heart. She also talked about the people she wanted to thank to.

Interview With My Grandma

We talked about my mom and significant events in my grandma's life. My grandma also gave some words of wisdom to her great great grandchildren.

Jenny Rask Interviews dad Gene Rask about his life. Growing up with his family.

Jenny Rask: 2020-11-16 00:25:40 Jenny Rask Interviews dad Gene Rask about his life. Growing up with his family. Starting off talking about the 2020 elections and Biden/Harris winning the election, turning the republican dominated senate democratic. He remember the life...