Charlie Szur and Michaela Brenner

turning one of our many facetime chats into an interview where i ask Charlie about his childhood, his college experience, and what it means to go home to an unaccepting culture.

-Motthallv Making history project-

In this interview , conducted in October 2,2018 in Bronx New York . I have interviewed my sister Katherin Flores about her expierences from coming from Ecuador to America and having a different life then she expected . My sister...

John-Paul Ramirez & Montserrat Archila

John-Paul and Montserrat about growing up in the U.S as members of the Latin-A, (LatinX, Hispanic, Latino) community, not fitting into a box and sometimes feeling ostracized by the Latin-A communities as well as they communities where they lived, worked...

La historia de R.G

En esta entrevista, mi tío y yo hablamos sobre su experiencia como inmigrante. También como llego a los Estados Unidos y como fue su experiencia en los Estados Unidos.

Gabriel and Ruth Hidalgo talk about their childhood and the experience of immigrating from Ecuador.

This interview was recorded in Lawrence, Massachusetts. The date this was recorded is April 23rd, 2020. I talk to my mother, Ruth Hidalgo, about her immigration from Ecuador to the U.S. We discussed her early childhood and her high school/college...

Talking with Dr. Luis O. Vasconez

Dr. Luis O. Vasconez (83) talks with his granddaughter, Elisa Herrera (17). The two discuss various topics including stories from Dr. Vasconez's childhood as well as what it was like to grow up in Ecuador. Stories about his family's move...

Interview with Rosa Guzman

She talked about her life, growing up, and her happiest memories.

Superando la muerte de una Madre

Fernando, un joven de 20 años, nos comenta sobre el momento más difícil de su vida, la muerte de su madre. Explica lo que el vivió y da recomendaciones a aquellas personas que están pasando por lo mismo.

My roots Interview

This interview involves my mom talking about her childhood memories and relationships with family .