The Great ThanksGiving listen with Hector Becerra (My Dad)

My dad talks to me about some of his memories of his time in Mexico as well as some of his memories of me after we moved to Mexico (A problem occurred in the middle of the recording where it...

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Today I was with my grandma and we talked her childhood and her life. I really enjoyed it because it got to hear some answers that I have never heard before.

The Great Thanksgiving Listen Assignment

I interviewed Hayley on her childhood, accomplishments, most fond and vivid memories, and other aspects of growing up. 20 years is definitely an in-between age where you're exploring your independence yet still feel like a child at times. It was...

Kaitlin Johnston and Torski Dobson-Arnold

One Small Step conversation partners Kaitlin Johnston (33) and Torski "Toi" Dobson-Arnold (48) have a conversation about their childhood memories, religion, and times in their lives that impacted them.