Zaynah Project- F Block History

This recording is about a teenage girl asking questions to her grandmother during Thanksgiving

Eric’s Take on Healthy Transitions to Adulthood

The road to adulthood is not always a clear path and sometimes it is the direction of others that helps a young person make the journey.

The interview of my grandma Betty Davis.

I conducted an interview of my Grandmother Betty Davis and she answered several questions about her life.

Our boys.

Angelo Logan interviews Clarence Williams III, his inspiration and best friend. Clarence talks about the port of New Orleans, raising his son and his father's story.

The Oldest Child

We talked about Jim’s childhood, grandparents, where he grew up, and hobbies. We also talked about why he moved to Utah and married my mom. Another topic was who influenced his life with work and sports.

Carie Paine: Thoughts on COVID-19, BLM & Biden Election

She talked about the effects of the Pandemic on life as well as the political and social unrest currently savaging the country.