Going from Mantained to Making Money Moves

This is the story of how my 65 year grandmother came to the United States and was able to provide for her and her children.

Father’s Story

Growing up Claudio always had questions to ask about his father, he ask questions he never knew about. Claudio’s father tell Claudio to look at life and don’t worry about what others say. That’s his side of his Hispanic story

Korean Life from Grandma

Grandma interviewed about childhood, Korean Culture that she experienced, and her immigration story.

Mom and Sofia interview.

I interveiwed my mom on her early life and her life now.

interviewing my aunt!

We talked about my aunts life and,who impacted her and how she got through life. Also about her siblings and family.

Migration as a teen

This interview was about how my father migrated to the United States as a young adult. It shows the success and difficulties that he faced while migrating.

Captain Cullen; Thanksgiving 2017

32 year veteran of the fire service discusses wildland fires, family, food and faith.

The Roots That Keep Me Strong

This interview talks about the roots that keep my dad, Heraclio Cruz, standing strong.