Grandpa Ken

He grew up in a large family, playing sports. He worked hard for 2 companies he owned. Loves his family

The Great Thanksgiving Listen Project

Mostly what is talked about, is how she is wanting to be remembered and advice.

Healthy Aging Interview

Interview with a priest about his aging process. His concerns about the future and how his faith played a role in his health.

APUSH StoryCorps Interview Kaitlin Saal

In the conducted interview, we discussed my grandmother’s childhood, relationships, opportunities, and valuable lessons learned in her life.

Sharing the love between Mommy and Me

I am interviewing my 47 year old mother about her life back then and many more thing. Skip to 8:40 to hear the funny story of my first track meet

John F. Kennedy’s Assassination

We talked about my Grandmother’s perspective of the John F. Kennedy Assassination.