John Steinhauer and Matt Steinhauer

John Steinhauer (90) talks with his son, Matt Steinhauer (60), about having polio as a child and seeking treatment in Warm Springs, Georgia, where he met the president, Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Interview with Brittany Jacobs and Gavin Miles

Interview with Brittany Jacobs and Gavin Miles the day after confirming they are having a baby

My interview

I took the time today to ask my father about the relationship of how he met my mom.

“What trait do you see in yourself that you passed down to me?”

My brother and my mom have been very close, and they talked to each other a lot more often and more easily than I talked to my mom. My brother has moved out and with that my mom and I...

Eric’s Take on Healthy Transitions to Adulthood

The road to adulthood is not always a clear path and sometimes it is the direction of others that helps a young person make the journey.