Real interview – A legacy #APUSHinterview #mom

My mom and I talked about many things including her experience being a first generation American, her job, any regrets, and how she would like to be rememebered.

The Hawaii Life 1982

Charlotte’s mom, MaryEllen gives a recap of the time she lived in Hawaii.

What makes you Emilio Canaii?

In this interview I asked Emilio a little bit about his outlook on life, his family history, and his experiences as part of the LGBT community.

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Today I was with my grandma and we talked her childhood and her life. I really enjoyed it because it got to hear some answers that I have never heard before.

Daily reflection of Ta & Ha.

A interview of "ta-ta" (Tj) by is long-time girlfriend of 10 years, reflecting back on their past together.