My grandma and her amazing story

My grandma was born in Kilgore Texas during the depression and has been settled in a West Texas town for 50 years maintaining our family ranch and our entire extended family, she is an amazing woman and I couldn't wish...

Grandma Betty's life.

This interview is about how my great grandmother grew up, how she met her husbands and about her grandparents. She mostly spoke about her life in marriage, her husband from a young age and her other ones so on. She...

The Great Thanksgiving Listen: Kowanda Stroud

In this interview my grandmother covers stories of our family, the love of her life, and advice for years to come.

Daily reflection of Ta & Ha.

A interview of "ta-ta" (Tj) by is long-time girlfriend of 10 years, reflecting back on their past together.

Thanksgiving interview-Rachel Mathey-2

I interviewed my mom and she told me about her childhood and some memories that she learned lesson from.

Carl Parmenter talks about growing up in the Great Depression

Carl Parmenter tells his granddaughter about growing up in the Great Depression, living as a migrant worker, working on his sawmill, and building houses.

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Today I was with my grandma and we talked her childhood and her life. I really enjoyed it because it got to hear some answers that I have never heard before.

Ryen Caenn – Carico History

The Carico’s settled Oklahoma in the Cherokee Strip land rush. From humble beginnings grew a successful scientist.

Charlotte “Nammy” Taylor

Jenna Fisher, Lauren Martin, and Brandon Taylor interview their 85 year old grandmother. They grew up living next door to Nammy and Papa in Oklahoma. They ask her questions about hardship growing up in the panhandle of Oklahoma and turn...