A Trip Down Memory Lane

Today I was with my grandma and we talked her childhood and her life. I really enjoyed it because it got to hear some answers that I have never heard before.

The Great Thanksgiving Listen Assignment

I interviewed Hayley on her childhood, accomplishments, most fond and vivid memories, and other aspects of growing up. 20 years is definitely an in-between age where you're exploring your independence yet still feel like a child at times. It was...


Francesca Lopez interviews her classmate Cesar Estrada and a scenario that would occur in his field of study/career.

Interview with Grandma

I enjoyed interviewing my grandma on some life questions. I didn’t know a lot of the stories and details my grandma shared during this interview beforehand, so I am appreciative and glad I asked her questions and listened to some...

Thanksgiving interview

I interviewed my dad and asked him questions about his life, childhood, and memories.