Dr. Amy Thu Tran and her Experience with Immigration as a Vietnam Refugee

Dr. Amy Tran tells her story of her experience as a Vietnam Regular and her struggles and successes when she came to the US.

Josh Higginson interviewing his grandma and grandpa

I interview mostly my grandpa with help from my mom and grandma. We talk about where he grew up, his time in the air Force, meeting my grandma, and moving to America.

Bringing Nature to Denver's Homeless Shelters

This interview is with Laura who used to work at the Delores Project. She shares the positive benefits bringing nature into homeless shelters has on the people who utilize them.

Prodigy Coffeehouse connecting with family

My mentor did assign me this, but I wouldn't normally do this if I didn't want to. I am glad my mom and I had this talk.

The Story Of Thu Ta

This has some parts of Thu Ta’s life in escaping Vietnam and finding her true love

Grandpa Volz and his involvement in the Vietnam War

The inside story to how an ordinary young man gets drafted into the Vietnam War. He shares his experiences in the Vietnam War along with childhood memories.

Rita T. and Sarah D. Thanksgiving

My grandma Rita Timm, talked about her life living in Iowa. Sarah got to learn more about her life and her perspective of Iowa.

Q & A with my dad

In this interview we talked about my dads personality and profession.