Mother Daughter Interview

Me and my mother sat down and had a talk about her earlier years and about her success in life. We talked about the places in life that gave her success (College: university of Chicago) and who lead her on...

The Great Listen of 2020- A Conversation with Jaslyn and her Mom!

In this interview, I, Jaslyn, learn about my mother’s past and learn if she ever had an regrets. I learn how her past has affected her life and formed her into the person she is today!

The Adventures of Sylvia Oscar

This is a compilation of several stories about my great grandma, Sylvia Oscar. She was a stubborn, tough woman who sometimes made funny mistakes.

Interview with my Father

We mostly talked about his childhood and hs and college days

Paula Sandusky – New York Trip

My aunt talked about her job, her life before the center and after.

Thanksgiving with Oliver

Oliver Zagorin is a teacher for students with special needs. He is dating my sister (Adriana Mantilla) and she can be heard in the background. Oliver is the main focus of the interview.