Eric’s Take on Healthy Transitions to Adulthood

The road to adulthood is not always a clear path and sometimes it is the direction of others that helps a young person make the journey.

Interview with Brittany Jacobs and Gavin Miles

Interview with Brittany Jacobs and Gavin Miles the day after confirming they are having a baby

The interview of my grandma Betty Davis.

I conducted an interview of my Grandmother Betty Davis and she answered several questions about her life.

Thanksgiving listen

I interviewed my mom. She had to move country witch taught her to adapt to change.

Noah (21) & Edson (22)- 5/5/24

Edson and I talk about how life was in each of our early lives in two different countries

Melissa interview

I interviewed Melissa Daniels who is in her mid 30s. She is one of my coworkers in the manufacturing business. We discussed her life and advice she would like to give.