Kimberly Bascope GTL 2018 – An Interview With My Dad

An interview with my dad, Henry Bascope. We talked about his childhood memories in Bolivia, school, his parents, and his life in the U.S.

Part 1- Sophia Interviews her dad, Russell Bauserman

December 10th, 2017, Sophia Bauserman Interviews her dad, Russell Bauserman in Ashburn, Virginia. He is asked questions about his favorite memories of the past. Some questions are answered about his teen years and some are answered about his childhood. His...

Joel interviewing his father, Mark Moses

My father and I discussed the people and ideas that he has found to be highly influential in his life, as well as his views on the importance of happiness and the best ways to go about living.

My mom

I chose to ask my mom a few questions to get to know her childhood a little more

The Life of a Nonna

Delving into the life of an Italian Grandmother in the states.

All bout me!

This interview was about me through a mother’s eyes.

Interview with Charlotte Ashby

An interview with my grandmother and her past work experience. This includes stories and lessons from her teaching career.

Tianna and Jazmyne

We talked a lot about personalities and Tianna’s past

Coronavirus 2020

My best friend, Jalisa, and I talked about how the pandemic has been affecting our daily lives and the possibilities of the future.

Growing up in a digital world

An interview talking about the evolution of media technology and mass communication over the course of 20 years. As well as discussing other media technology and communication questions.

Cuban Odyssey

My abuela, Carmen Ramos, talks about her experiences after leaving Cuba one fateful day. She traveled up and down the East Coast of the U.S. growing up, and I found that it mirrored how I grew up moving around too.

Personal Experiences with Videogame Violence

On 11/30/2018 I interviewed Kyle Parent on his thoughts of the link between video games and violence in youth.

StoryCorps interview #1

We discussed his work experiences and growing up in Buchanan county.

Deane Sobol and Emily Scott

Discussion of early Norfolk, massive resistance, and family.

“As a child I was very curious”
November 8, 2017 App Interview

Dez talks about her childhood and the people who have been a big part of it

The Thanksgiving Listen

I learned reasons about why my father had joined into the military and heard a story about where he was when the attack on 9/11 happened.