Ken Dyda, Councilman of City of Rancho Palos Verdes

Ken Dyda, a city councilman talk about the founding of our city, the challenges he has faced and the effects of the environment.

Bill Ralyea 9-6-22

Bill, 68, joined the Crazies in 1999. He is a runner and mountain biker

Final Interview Creative Studies

I interviewed my dad and was curious about his childhood. The questions I ask are related to his life as a child and his time as a teenager.

Ship interview

We talked a lot about ships/ Marines

Steve Desroches and Anthony Hand

Steve Desroches (48) talks to his friend Anthony Hand (54) about their friendship, drag queens and Hand's movie "Maxxie LaWow", an animated film about a drag super-shero.

St. Peter’s by the Sea Presbyterian Church, Don Fraser

Don Fraser is 102 years old and talks about life as a child, being a boat captain in World War 2 and being an active member and leader in his church community.

Interview with my amazing grandma!

My grandma discusses her experience growing up in Jewish communities, female entrepreneurship, and the evolution of the fashion industry