Jim Brandt 10-18-22

Jim, 66, joined the Crazies in 2005 as a runner, and started cycling in 2009. He has run ~60 marathons, done ~15 Century rides, and has climbed 5 of the 7 world's continent's highest peaks

Scott Osmus 9-23-22

Scotty O, 63, joined the Crazies in 2000, 2 months before his 1st H2C. He is a runner

chat with my mom on my birthday

talking with my mom about her successes and how she got to where she is today

Bruce Riggs 11-16-22

Bruce, 92, started running with Tom Pinckard and others in the early 1970s. He is a runner and cyclist

Clark Nelson 9-22-22

Clark, 84, joined the Crazies in 1985, within a week of moving to California. He is a runner

Mother Rachel

The Great Thanksgiving Listen interview with my mom, Rachel Valentine.

On Parents and Partnership

David recounts the odd circumstances of his childhood to his daughter, Laura, and they discuss the topics of parenthood and commitment.

One Dreaming Immigrant

A father with big dreams and a wife and 6 kids. The inspiration and dreams that he arrived with.

Driving for Opportunity

My father, Steve, talks about his journey to the US and why he did it. The beautiful sights of California, greater opportunities, and cars influenced his decision to leave the United Kingdom.

Seven Boxes: Celebrating the Strength to Move On

Dr. Bobbi Alba shares her new inspirational memoir about multiple sudden atypical losses. Topics include: cancer, loss of child, domestic violence, mental illness, homelessness, alcoholism, pet loss, transgender youth, and leaving a living legacy.

Vivek Chotai and Maia Evrigenis

Maia Evrigenis (28) talks with her friend Vivek Chotai (20) about how their leukemia diagnoses impacted various stages of their lives. Maia was diagnosed at the age of thirteen and Vivek was diagnosed at the age of seventeen.

Ariana and Mamama

n this interview, conducted on November 25 2018 in Santa Monica, California, Ariana Mousavi (13) interviews her grandma, Lourdes (Lula) Badkoubei about her childhood and growing up in Arequipa, Peru. She had hobbies like hanging out with siblings, camping and...

Ming Triulzi talks to her mother Peggy Jane Triulzi about her experiences as a parent

My name is Ming Triulzi, I was born in Fuling China and I was adopted when I was 7 1/2 months old. This interview was recorded in the Triulzi home on January 7 of 2018 in Felton California. Ming Triulzi,...

Coaches life

Guadalupe Martinez tells stories of her life, how she's gotten where she is and how she feels about where she's at today.

Interview with my mom

In this interview, I ask my mom personal questions about her childhood. You will hear her discuss where she's from, if she regrets anything, what the ups and downs are of being a parent, and recall some good/ bad memories...

Hannah Berkheimer interviews Jade Glentzer about her limited time at El Molino

Hannah Berkheimer (16) interviews her friend and fellow El Molino student, Jade Glentzer (15) about El Molino. Topics discussed include their favorite classes, moments, and teachers at El Molino. : 2021-05-25 19:18:56


I talked to my father about his childhood and how I was apart of his growth

"We look at life in extreme environments and learn about what life can do, how it adapts." An interview with David Smith.

Dr. David Smith is a microbiologist at the NASA Ames Research Center. David led the design, construction, and validation of two NASA Balloon Program payloads carrying biology experiments (E-MIST and MARSBOx) as well as the use of a bio-aerosol collector...

Interview with my Grandma Xac Vo

This interview was mostly in Vietnamese. A life story told about my Grandma and her life with her husband and children from Vietnam to America facing many challenges along the way. This interview is not told in any chronological order.