Interviewing Mr. Huicochea

I interviewed Mr. Huicochea about his expirience of his life by asking questions from SLP class.

Austin Barraza and Roxanne Barraza

Austin Barraza (27) interviews his mom Roxanne Barraza (60) about her life, including her childhood, her parents, and being a mother.

Parenting Interview

In this interview, I discuss with my mother her journey of being a parent and her thoughts on the role.

Examining geomicrobiology in caves and mines, with a side of space exploration and astrobiology. An interview with Penny Boston.

Dr. Penny Boston is a woman of many talents! A notable academic with a background in microbiology and geology, Penny has investigated microbial life in the lab and in the field as a speleologist -- someone who studies cave science....

over one year ago today

my best friend talking about the time he almost died when he had an unexpected surgery last year

Anne & Jay Cobb’s 60th Wedding Anniversary: Sept 2019

How Anne & Jay Cobb met, fell in love and were married 60 years ago. The qualities that they value in each other. Their advice to others for a successful marriage.

A Baby Boomer’s Life

Life in the 21st century (2018) from the perspective of a married couple born in the 50’s.