Let’s Talk About Your Passion: The Marine Corp

I sat down with my 16 year brother to talk his passion for the Marine Corp and what he looks forward to in the future as a Marine Corp Recruit.

Aidan interviewing his Dad

I talked to my dad and learned stuff about him I never knew

Kenneth Wayne Bundy and Kenneth Joel Bundy

Kenneth Joel Bundy (son,41) interviews Kenneth Wayne Bundy (father,74) about his childhood, Christmas, time in the military, and about life in general.

Grandma and I <3

A grandmother and granddaughter discussing their lives and how much they mean to each other

Kaitlin Interviews her Aunt Jody about the Latter’s childhood, life, and her thoughts of the former.

Aunt Jody tells her niece Kaitlin about her life in the 1950's and 1960's through today. Jody also tells Kaitlin about the time they first met and her hopes for the latter and her children.

“I don’t know whether to feel sad, angry, or lost.”

Shay Makinde & Pedro Damasceno speak prior to a vigil held for the victims of the tragedy at Stoneman Douglas High School on February 14th, 2018— a day prior to the date of this conversation. Shay shares his first-hand experience...

A chat with Al Lawson

This is an interview between Former Congressman Al Lawson and his grandson Sam Lawson. They discussed everything from his early life, education, sports, politics, and anything else that was on Sam’s mind.