Let’s Talk About Your Passion: The Marine Corp

I sat down with my 16 year brother to talk his passion for the Marine Corp and what he looks forward to in the future as a Marine Corp Recruit.

Loving life with her husband

This story is about how my grandmother met her husband and how she still loves him the same.

Aidan interviewing his Dad

I talked to my dad and learned stuff about him I never knew

The interview of my grandma Betty Davis.

I conducted an interview of my Grandmother Betty Davis and she answered several questions about her life.

Florida & St. Leo University College

My sister Aliceison Brown who attends a college in Florida enlightens me about her experiences she has.


I asked my grandma about different effects on her life. She answered very descriptively.

Job Interview

Basically what type of things impacted him in life. How life is going and why should I hire him.

Remaking your life after divorce

Daughter-in-law interviews her mother-in-law about a difficult transition.