Talking with my 96-Year-Old Great Grandmother

I talked to my great grandmother about her life and advice she would give to people about living life.

Molly Peacock and Michael Groden

Poet Molly Peacock (73) talks with her husband, Michael Groden (73), a James Joyce scholar, about their sixty-year love story that was interrupted for twenty years. They talk about ongoing love, Mike's melanoma, the novel Ulysses, and the parallel lives...

Conversation with Opa

Opa talks about coming to the US from Germany, the jobs he worked and building his own house.

Thanksgiving with my Grandparents

I interviewed my grandparent about any words of advice to give on this week of giving thanks.

The Great Thanksgiving Listen

We talked and answered some questions about my family and my mom’s life when she was growing up.

Grandpa interview

10 questions, about childhood, jobs etc. What are some of the best best memories or worst