Interview About the Berlin Airlift – World War Two

This interview is about the Berlin Airlift during World War Two. You will also hear about some personal details into the life of Mr. Pillon.

Interview with Lori Furtora

This is an interview with Lori Furtora themed about childhood, teenage years, and memories.

Tamiko-Words of Wisdom from my adopted Japanese mother-in-law

Tamiko was born in Japan in 1933. She shares what it was like to go from a comfortable life as a young child to living in a war torn country and learning to survive and thrive by her wits.

Tami shares her life story with oldest son Caran.

Tami shares a lot of her life and even very personal things. From wedding mishaps to a death of a new born this interview jumps from funny to sad at different times. At 11:55 she tells the story of how...

Eric’s Take on Healthy Transitions to Adulthood

The road to adulthood is not always a clear path and sometimes it is the direction of others that helps a young person make the journey.

Alicia and Zoe discuss local food
January 29, 2020 App Interview

In this we discuss how local food has impacted Alicia’s life and how she has strived to support local food in Ann Arbor. She begins by discussing how her family immigrated from Italy and how local food was very community-based...

COM100: Coming to America

Estifanos and Henrique are two international students who came to America to complete their studies at a university. This interview discusses their experiences with the change, what they plan to do after college, and their overall perspective on coming to...

Catherine and Grace discuss local food

I sat down with my roommate Catherine to discuss her family’s relationship with local food and her thoughts about the importance of eating locally in promoting sustainability.