Cuban Odyssey

My abuela, Carmen Ramos, talks about her experiences after leaving Cuba one fateful day. She traveled up and down the East Coast of the U.S. growing up, and I found that it mirrored how I grew up moving around too.

My 10 minute interview

We talked about Taylor as a child & a few things that have impacted her positively.

Sister talk

My sister and I talked about things like religion, hardships, and adults that have influenced us.

Grandmama and Grandaddy

I asked my grandparents about their experiences growing up and how life in America is different today.


Writing and how it helps you cope. And about learning to live with yourself

Coming from Cuba

My grandma and great grandma talking about their life and how they came to the United States from Cuba

Discussing Marriage and Family with My Dad

I interviewed my father and asked him about his marriage with my mom and about what it was like having me as a child.

Interview with our three-year-old son about having two dads

We asked our son what he likes about having two dads, about his favorite things to do, and about what he likes to do with each of us.

PoynterHSJP18 Podcast

This interview is about Thomson Draper, an aspiring journalist, and his life.

Mornings With Mom

My mornings to school include of my mom listening to Elvis Duran and quoting in all throughout the day. On this specific morning we lowered the volume and conducted this interview. My mom shared what it was like growing up...

Lawyer Life

I interviewed my dad for about 10 minutes and asked him about his life. He describes how he grew up and what it’s like to be a lawyer.

Paul Mott, Patty Mott, and Bobby Mott

Paul Mott (52), Patty Mott (72), and Bobby Mott (73) share their family history including when Paul was born to an unwed mother. Paul's Aunt Patty and Uncle-In-Law Bobby describe to Paul how loved he was by both his grandparents....