My history teacher: Mr. Rhoades.

We discuss mr rhoads’s childhood and person he most grateful for

“We need to celebrate those things that are good and positive” – Shaun on his family’s local history and the role art plays in our community

Shaun Dingwerth, Director of Richmond Art Museum, talks with Alison about the way art has shaped and continues to shape our history and culture in Richmond and Wayne County. His relatives were among the first settlers in the area and...

all choked up…Amy Stell and Larry Thompson

Amy Stell: 2020-06-25 21:21:01 Amy Stell (48) visits with her father, Larry Thompson (77) and briefly her mother, Ethwa Ann Thompson (75), about their El Paso connection, meeting mama, and advice for his grandchildren.

Gricelda talks about her life in Richmond, raising a daughter while balancing two cultures, and her hopes for Richmond

This interviewed was done with the assistance of a translator. Gricelda talks about things she misses from Mexico (food!) and what types of culture events would be fun to incorporate into life in Richmond. She also talks about how she...

Roxie talks about the importance of giving back.

Roxie reflects on the influence her family has had in her life, the importance of volunteerism, and her life as an experiential learner.

"After the first year, it got easier to sell." – Bill Thistlethwaite on creating the Meltdown Ice Festival in Richmond, IN

Bill and Alison talk about why the Meltdown Ice Festival is special, what makes it different, and how the visiting carvers embrace this small Midwestern town in the dead of winter.

“If you want something to happen, you just have to go make it happen.” – Jon and Aria-Blair about the way they experience our community

Jon, Aria-Blair, and their toddler daughter join Alison for a conversation about their lives in Richmond, their two businesses (Black Dog Printing and Tarot Tattoo), and how they are helping to create safe spaces for women and creative places for...