Sarah Kasman of Shanti OC

Sarah shares how she became involved and eventually led one of the most meaningful HIV and AIDS services organizations in Laguna Beach and Orange County

A French American family in the OC

An conversation with Damien Daphne Randy Isabelle about their family life in Orange County


Allison and Bri have been BFFTIs (best friends forever times infinity) since kindergarten. This is the story of their friendship in their own goofy words...

Interview With My Mom
November 4, 2022 App Interview

i interviewed my Mom, Alicia Wright. She is 49 years old. we talked about her childhood and her role as a daughter and a mother. we also talked about her career.

From Haiti to Orange County: An Adoption Story

Kristen Howerton interviews her son Kembe about the experience of surviving the Haiti earthquake and immigrating to the US at age 3.

Conversation Between Avra and Al
December 19, 2019 App Interview

Avra and Al talk about our lives in Orange County and significant moments in our life.

Chennai Vaasis in the OC

"Vaasis" is a Tamil word that means residents. Two long term residents of the OC and American citizens, formerly South Indian natives of the city of Chennai (Madras), discuss parental and ethnic influences, arranged marriages, and how immigrant cultures and...

Seven Boxes: Celebrating the Strength to Move On

Dr. Bobbi Alba shares her new inspirational memoir about multiple sudden atypical losses. Topics include: cancer, loss of child, domestic violence, mental illness, homelessness, alcoholism, pet loss, transgender youth, and leaving a living legacy.