A conversation of gratitude, remembrance and love on the first day of Naomi’s 98th year.

On the day after Naomi's 98th birthday and the day before Thanksgiving, Julia and Naomi explore memories of their Norwegian roots in rural Minnesota and discuss the gifts we get and give to one another by way of showing and...

My Grandpa’s Amazing Life

In this interview, I talked to my grandpa about his life, jobs, family, and childhood. He shared with me some of his many amazing experiences like the time he traveled all the way to Africa to help people, the time...

Talking to my mom about her life and mine

My mother and I have had different lives growing up but at the end of the day we pretty much value the same things

Life is a lot different than you think

I have known my grandma for 16 years, until today i never felt like i really got to know her.

Alli’s Interview MLCIntro2019SPRING

This is an interview of Sophie Leng who is from China and is now training to be a teacher in Minnesota. She talks about the blessings and challenges of learning new cultures.

Caleb’s Life

Some stories from the childhood of Caleb Kroeze