MK and Mac

We talked about the future, favorites, and socialization.

Mimi and Papa Interview

We talked about how different life is in 2018 from then

StoryCorps Interview with Grandma

Today we discussed topics from my grandma's past. We reflected about major events in her life so far.

BANI tells the story of her life as a doctor and mother in the United States

Bani Bhattacharyya shares the story of her life, from living in India to moving to Canada and the United States. She and her husband, also a doctor, became parents and practicing physicians and juggling with childcare in the mid-1960s. A...

My Grandmother

This is an interview with my grandmother who has lived a very full and interesting life. From growing up in a poor village in Greece, to traveling across the ocean to the United States in the seventies, she has gained...

Interview with Grandmere

interviewing grandmother about her life and her most grateful memories

The Fight Against Abbott

In this interview, Rachel Sodipe and I talked about her experience and her take on the new Abortion Bill passed in Texas.