HIES The Great Thanksgiving Listen – Andrew and Mimi

This is a short 5 question interview about my mom for a project for Holy Innocents Episcopal School

Brynn McCormick and Robert Tavares

One Small Step conversation partners Brynn McCormick (20) and Robert Tavares (33) have a conversation about their backgrounds, political views, and perspectives on various social issues. They find common ground in being open-minded and appreciate learning from each other's differing...

Conversations with my Grandparents: Childhood and Life Thus Far

Interviewing my paternal grandparents on their lives and questions I’ve always wanted to ask.

Interview with My Dad

This is an interview with my Dad that I was required to do for my career preparation class. I asked him about his career and how he'd like to be remembered.

Lexi goeman and Sam Metcalfe

Lexi Goeman (19) spoke to her friend Sam Metcalfe (21) about his childhood, his coming out and his relationship with family and his significant other.