The Interesting History of Carmelita Mixon

In this interview, Carmelita Mixon gives a glimpse of her life to her granddaughter, Maria Mixon. We discussed her relationship with Reginald Lewis, Modeling, New York, Her Husband, and living during Segregation. We hope you enjoy!!!

Mr. Verene

I spoke with Mr. Verene on November 29, 2020, about his personal life, and his religious beliefs. He explains his religious love after his traumatic experience.

Does the past matter?

We talked about our loves and how others have touched us thus far. It was very enlightening conversation that caused me to see my wife in a whole new way.

Christopher and Laura Sulmonte

Christopher Sulmonte talks with his wife Laura (both 28) about his experiences working in the Johns Hopkins Hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Janece and Grandma Annie

A great conversation between me and my grandma on multiple topics. One topic being the the death of her husband.

Janece and Grandma Annie

Interviewing my grandma on various questions that pertains to her life. We covered everything from family to religion.