Interviewing Barbara and Steven Carr

Hermione Lu (16) interviews family friends Barbara Carr (72) and Steven Carr (75) about growing up in San Diego and their life when Steven was drafted and joined the Coast Guard.

Elayna and Heather Klug

In this interview, I learned about my mom's life growing up under unfortunate circumstances and how she got to where she is now. We talked about the importance of community, working hard to make a life for yourself, and how...

Todd Western on Being a Black Farmer in Iowa

Todd Western III talks about the legacy of being from one of the first black farming families in Iowa, building community between black farmers, and the inaugural Iowa Farmers of Color Conference.

Pete Kerns Looks for Lost Pigs

Pete Kerns remembers when his pigs escape into the woods of Iowa, and the week of searching with community members that ensued.

Brenna McNair and Bob Bailey

[Recorded: Wednesday, March 20, 2024] UVA students Brenna McNair (22) from Annapolis, Virginia and Bob Bailey (22) from Richmond, Virginia recorded a One Small Step conversation as part of their course 'Lead from Anywhere'. They discussed their political affiliations, how...

Patricia Pinto and Theresa Warren

Patricia Pinto (56) speaks with Practical Farmers of Iowa volunteer Theresa Warren (28). Patricia shares the dream of farming that she's had since childhood, her journey to be a beginning farmer, and her gratitude for the community of knowledge sharing...

Kamell Minor and Al Pola

[Recorded: Tuesday, March 19th, 2024] Al Pola, a 64-year-old from Charlottesville, VA, and Kamell Minor, a 20-year-old from St. Louis, MI, shared their personal experiences with in-group identity and acceptance, emphasizing the need for empathy and open-mindedness in creating inclusivity....

Valerie Cordes & Michele Manning-Herman

Valerie and Michele have developed a profound bond through their involvement with Providence's Women's Caregiver Resource Group (WCRG), and they want to emphasize the significance of this work and the impact it has had on them. They cannot stress enough...