Lit Life: Philip Fan and Audrey Carter talk about The Things They Carried.

In this recording, high school seniors Philip Fan and Audrey Carter discuss the significance of storytelling in The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien.

Lit Life: Mitchell Anderson and James Anderson discuss the relevance and significance of two novels.

In this recording, son and father discuss the life lessons and takeaways from the two books “The Picture of Dorian Gray” written by Oscar Wilde and “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest” by Ken Kesey, and also how much of...

Lit Life: Phillip Borhani and Carter Smith discussing “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee.

In this interview, Phillip Borhani and fellow classmate Carter Smith discuss the topics of addressing stereotypes and social norms as well as the idea of morality versus justice in the book “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee.

Lit Life: Nathan and Mary Kim talk about The Great Gatsby

In this recording, brother and sister discuss about F. Scott Fitzgerald's book and some of the lessons or messages he is trying to convey through this novel.

Natalie and Robert Holt talk about the importance of Ayn Rand’s novel Atlas Shrugged
December 10, 2019 App Interview

In this interview Natalie and Robert Holt discuss the importance of the lessons learned in Atlas Shrugged and how they are applicable today.

Lit Life: Alyssa Lee and John Naisbitt discuss the novel Life of Pi by Yann Martel.

A student and her former history teacher discuss the argument Life of Pi presents on religion and the power of the human spirit.

Lit Life: Lauren Zelisko and Caroline Booras discuss the emotional themes within The Kite Runner.

In this recording, two friends discuss the life-changing effects of war and abuse, as well as the the values within Afghan culture learned from Khaled Hosseini’s novel, The Kite Runner.

Kiernan Lynch and Rachel Fuechtman talk about “A Tale of Two Cities” and why they read books of literary merit

In this recording, Hinsdale Central students Kiernan Lynch and Rachel Fuechtman discuss their thoughts on “A Tale of Two Cities” and how they interpreted the characters and themes.

Novel Wisdom: Nasar Qureshi and Yaser Aslam talk books, literary merit, and why we read.

Nasar Qureshi and Yaser Aslam discuss “The Kite Runner” and its takeaway messages, including specific discussions regarding symbols, events, characters, and central ideas of the story.

Book Talk: Ian Drury & Allegra Dugan discuss literature, benefits of reading, and timeless novels.

Drury and Dugan discuss the challenges of finding one’s path in the world, blooming in the face of darkness, and influencial people and events. Also mentioning various books that have stuck with them and hopes for the future.

Novel Discussion: Leia and Evans Pappas analyze the development of “The Shadow of the Wind” by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
December 11, 2018 App Interview

Leia Pappas and her father, Evans Pappas, discuss the relationships and themes present in “The Shadow of the Wind” while also mentioning why Evans recommended the book to Leia initially.