Immigration Stories: Mexico-United States An Oral History – Rafael Telle Cruz

Rafael speaks enthusiastically about his time living in the United States and working hard. Rafa talks about currently living, working, and farming in Guapamacataro, Maravatio, but also about he hopes to return to the States to work with his brothers...

Sheyla Solís interviews Luis Solis

I (Sheyla Solis) was assigned a research paper for my history class on my topic that I think has changed overtime or that relates to me. I decided to interview Luis Solis ,my dad, the man that had an American...

Arian Velazquez-Ornelas and Elizama Velazquez

Arian Velazquez-Ornelas (42) platica con su mamá, Elizama Velazquez (56), de sus experiencias creciendo en México y los Estados Unidos. Hablan de la familia, el amor, y la comunidad que comparten en ambos lados de la frontera. [Arian Velazquez-Ornelas (42)...