Mugshots: Denise

Denise enjoys coming to Musikfest and seeing great acts, friends, and students. Her word to describe Musikfest is VARIETY.

Test Upload

This was a test upload to show that we know how to upload our interview

Mugshots: Tony

Tony has been volunteering at Musikfest for 34 years. He met and proposed to his wife at Musikfest, who is also a volunteer. His word to describe Musikfest is AMAZING.

Mugshots: Brian Smith

Brian is from Central New Jersey, and has been coming to Musikfest since he was a little boy in the 90's. His one word to describe Musikfest is UNPREDICTABLE.

Mugshots: Michael

Michael travels to enjoy Musikfest which he describes as a city of music. The word he chose to describe Musikfest is FUN.

Mugshots: Kim and Chris

Kim and Chris are a married couple who have been long time volunteers at Musikfest. They both have seen Musikfest expand over the years and enjoy hearing the local musicians. Their words to describe Musikfest are MUSIC and EXPERIENCE.

Mugshots: Gerald and Erika Still

Gerald and Erika have volunteered at Musikfest for 30 years their words are "Excellent" and "Fantastic".

Mugshots: Devin

Devin is a volunteer at Musikfest and one of his fondest memories is meeting his girlfriend at Musikfest. He describes Musikfest as EVENTFUL.

Mugshots: Ronnie Nase

Ronnie Nase has grown up in then Lehigh Valley area, and shared his fondest memories of Musikfest for Mugshots! His one word that he chose to best describe Musikfest is LIVELY.

Mugshots: Rich & Tammy

Musikfest is a great time to gather with new and old friends. The word they chose to describe Musikfest is FANTASTIC.

Mugshots: Greta

Greta has been a volunteer at Musikfest for 20 years. She has noticed that over the years Musikfest has gotten bigger and has more varieties of music. Her word to describe Musikfest is AWESOME.

Mugshots: Sharon Polly-Boes

Sharon discovered Musikfest 8 years ago when she moved from New York, and has loved it ever since. Her one word to best describe Musikfest is FUN.

Mugshots: Barbara Colucci & Patricia LaVecchia

Sisters Barbara and Patricia are New Jersey natives who have been coming to Musikfest for a couple of years. Their one word to best describe Musikfest is EXCITING and FANTASTIC.

The woman who raised me, but isn't my mother.

This is the interview Aidan Schwartz (17) conducted on his grandmother, Carole Schwartz (70). This interview was conducted on November 25, 2021 in the living room of Aidan's parent's house. This interview discusses various topics of Carole's life such as...

Mugshots: Christine Trux and Thomas Bradley

Christine and Thomas met at Musikfest at the Fetzplatz a few years back, thus changing their lives for the better. Now Christine and Thomas are married and got married on the very first day of Musikfest on August 4, 2017....

Stereotypes surrounding Pennsylvania

Interview regarding the stereotypes surrounds PA.