Her path to mine

Me and my mother talking about her past. Also talking about how it was like raising me.

thanksgiving interview

about childhood and how what she has always wanted to be in life

Thanksgiving interview

One main thing that was talked about was childhood for my mom and childhood for me. Another main thing that was talked about was some of our best memories

Mom’s interview

Highlights and information about my mom’s life

Finding comfort in the catholic religion

My aunt is catholic and she didn’t necessarily follow all the “rules” of Catholicism but she still believes in God and has formed a relationship with God. She said that she was going through a time when she lost herself...

The Great Listening, Matthew Lopez-Ahamed

Today I interviewed my aunt, who I have been raised my entire life by, I love her to bits and she is such an icon in my life. Hearing her stories really showed me how much she loves our family...

Service learning Interview with my grandma part 1

Well as talked about me and grandma talked about her life and our life spent as a family.Aswell as the good and bad times that faced our way.


Questions about life with laughs and cries

Enter view with my mom

I’m this Interview I talk to my mom about different topics like her childhood and her pregnancy.

Interview with Mom
December 20, 2017 App Interview

In this interview, we talked about who were the biggest influences on my mothers life. Also, we talked about the happiest moments in her life.

Thanksgiving interview

We were talking about how she is proud of her parents and many great things she said to her great great grandchildren and to me her son.

Birth of the Stavros Twins’

I (Nick Stavros) interviewed my mother Jill about the time we were born and how that was for her.

Interview with Maria Castellanos

This interview is about Maria’s young and adult life. It’s about her journey through life and how she came to be who she is today.

The Great Thanksgiving listen interview – Izabellah Deocampo p. 2

I will be interviewing my aunt since both my grandparents were out of town to do this interview.

Service Learning Project with my grandma part 2(continued information)

Well as talked about me and my grandma talked about her life and our life spent as a family.Aswell as the good and bad times that faced our way.

My Abuelita

Today, I talked to my Nana about her childhood in Mexico and growing up with four sisters. She talked about sharing one bed with five girls, summer days in the river, eating mangos, and becoming a mother herself. I learned...


Talked about sifferent questions with my mom including her beliefs,childhood, what she cherishes, family, heritage, and more.

The World’s Best Mom

In this interview Priti Ved, my mom, spoke about her experience as a parent.