Interview Project SOCI 4122

For my SOCI 4122 class I was tasked with conducting an interview where a friend would ask my my thoughts on various topics surrounding death, and the lessions I took during the course.

Attitude about Death with my Grandmother

This is an interview with my grandmother about her view on death, the experience she had with it, and how she would like to go.

Experiences with death, dying and loss

Today we talked about my experiences with death and how I’ve coped with the loses in my life.

Death, Dying and Loss #GsudeathS19

An interview with my friend about the passing of her Grandmother.

Growing Up During the Iranian Revolution

Afsaneh Abree talks about her experience growing up during the Iranian Revolution and her experience as an immigrant after 9/11

Story corps interview project

This interview is based on my views of death and how it has affected my family and I.

Funerals in America

I chose to interview Natalie about her experiences with death. We focused on funerals and the differences between her Colombian traditions and what she has seen in America.