Mish and Esti discuss local food

Mish and Esti talk about food systems status quo and ways to improve it

Colleen and Hao discuss preparing for the climate emergency
November 17, 2021 App Interview

Hao interviewed Colleen about the climate crisis and resource descent experienced in recent years and ways of coping that can be used to deal with those issues.

Luke & Jordan discuss preparing for the climate emergency

Luke & Jordan enact a thought experiment of what a sustainable future will look like and how we got there. Specifically imagining being in the year 2030 having achieved carbon neutrality, Luke answers questions about how his community came together...

Shelby and Brandon discuss preparing for the climate emergancy

We discussed the concept of preparing for an emergency and how her family prepares. In addition we discuss how as a researcher she prepares for an emergency on site

William Lowry and Nicole Planken discuss preparing for the climate emergency
November 15, 2021 App Interview

Nicole and I have a conversation regarding the climate crisis and resource descent. Drawing from both personal experience and class materials, Nicole shares her findings on how to keep calm and carry on.

Jillian reflects on Psychology of Environmental Stewardship

Jillian talks about her major takeaways from her class, Psychology of Environmental Stewardship, and the importance of evaluation and solution-based strategies. Along with this, she reflects on how this information will help in her personal and work life in the...

Spencer Klein reflects on Psychology of Environmental Stewardship

Spencer Klein discusses what he learned during his semester-long class titled "Psychology of Environmental Stewardship." He connects the concepts he has learned with a potential career he wants to pursue.

Ben and Nick Discuss Preparing for the Climate Emergency

Ben(21) talks with Nick(21) about his hometown of Durand and what things have been going on in his community to combat climate change and how Michigan may change/adapt in the future.

Andrew Gilbert

Andrew Gilbert: 2021-02-08 20:19:06 Andrew Gilbert (21) interviews his father Michael Gilbert (48) about his thoughts on the climate crisis, and his preparations for future natural disasters.

Janet and Zoe discuss preparing for the climate emergency
March 13, 2020 App Interview

In this interview, Janet and I talk about her past experiences with climate change and how her past experiences have shaped how she is preparing for the climate emergency. We discuss what measures she has taken in the past, what...

Destiny Mitchell and Riley List discuss preparing for the Climate Emergency

Destiny and Riley touch on the relationships between attention, stress, and the climate crisis and resource descent. They also discuss how coping mechanisms can be used to improve resilience and the well-being of everyday people. Many of these concepts are...

Interview with my mom

We talked about my mom's experience growing up in a large family with a single mother and then becoming a mother herself.


Josie talks about how she has come since being a child, and how she has become more brave.

Melissa and Anthony Discuss Preparing for the Climate Emergency

Melissa and Anthony discuss how to prepare for a climate emergency. As New Jersey residents, they focus on what they experienced during Hurricane Sandy and how this helped them prepare for future emergencies. This includes installing a generation and purchasing...

Erika F. and Erika K. discuss the concept of Localization

Erika Frondorf and Erika Kinninger discussed the eventual transition of our society. Localization is what we believe our future will transition to as energy and resources descent occurs. We explain the project we created and how it applies to the...

Amal and Robert discuss preparing for the climate emergency
February 1, 2022 App Interview

Amal talks with Robert about the behavior changes that the community would take to successfully respond to the climate emergency in his neighborhood by asking him to envision that it is 2030 and it has already happened.

McKinley and Jordan discuss preparing for the climate emergency

We discuss how climate change can impact stress and directed attention fatigue and how that may influence our ability to address the climate crisis. In addition, we discussed how we can shape our environments and our behavior to cope with...

University of Michigan, Fall 2022 Localization Seminar, All Hands Active Group Interview

As the world transitions away from cheap energy much of the physical and social infrastructure that is relied on will no longer exist, just by the fact that the resources to maintain a system this complex won't exist. This being...

Raj and Nia talk about climate emergency preparations

My mentor and I briefly discuss her plans surrounding climate preparedness and what advice she can give to others. We also compare climate disasters to the COVID-19 pandemic and how they are similar and different.

Interview with eight year old Charley (a girl)

Charley talks about her favorite thing to do — swim! Also, a few words about LONDON, England swimmers.

A Dinner With Strangers

Many of us crave community - to know our neighbors, to share a meal. In a future which will hold immense challenges, we will need each other - even more than we already do. We hope this serves as an...

Jordan Reflects on Psychology of Environmental Stewardship

I take some time to reflect on the course, Psychology of Environmental Stewardship taught by Dr. De Young at the University of Michigan's School for the Environment and Sustainability. I talk about my main take-aways from the course like the...

Alicia Adams and Lavanya Gauri Pandit Discuss Preparing for the Climate Emergency

Alicia shared her take on the climate crisis and resource descent narrative and how it was a source of stress and fatigue. She also shared some of the coping mechanisms she uses around her including taking walks around her house....