Jake and Yoon 4-20-24

Jake (19) interviews Yoon (19) from Seoul, South Korea about his time spent in Aurora and some of his favorite memories.

Zach Oldenburg

Zach Oldenburg Interview with Molly Oldenburg 4/19/2024

Isaac Shipchandler, Jack Irk, and Zoher Shipchandler

Isaac Shipchandler (17) and Jack Irk (18) interview Zoher Shipchandler (81) on his experiences as a college student and immigrant during the late 1960s: 2024-04-18 22:39:46

Kamell Minor and Al Pola

[Recorded: Tuesday, March 19th, 2024] Al Pola, a 64-year-old from Charlottesville, VA, and Kamell Minor, a 20-year-old from St. Louis, MI, shared their personal experiences with in-group identity and acceptance, emphasizing the need for empathy and open-mindedness in creating inclusivity....