Immigration Stories: Mexico-United States An Oral History – Alicia Marván, Director of Guapamacataro Center for Arts and Ecology

Alicia talks about the importance of the Guapamacataro Arts and Ecology center as a place for artist residents and as a way to give back to the Maravatio community. Alicia is both a citizen of Mexico and the United States...

Immigration Stories: Mexico-United States An Oral History – Anonymous 15

Anonymous #15 tells us of what it is to have grown up on the border of Mexico and California, crossing over up to 4 times a week, and to have family in the United States that are impossible to see.

Juan Patricio Morocho’s Ecuadorian Youth

Juan Morocho's life in the 1970s to early 1990s. His life during Latin America's revolutionary time period, and his personal story entering the United States. I asked him about his life under a military government, and he mentions that inability...