Thanksgiving interview

A brief discussion about my aunt's experiences in her youth as well as a funny family story.

My Mama Iris

I got to interview my great-aunt Iris this Thanksgiving, and she shared stories with me about her having a buisness at a young age.

Learning more about my grandpa.

He talked a little bit about his childhood and where he grew up.

Single Parenting, Abortion, & Maternity Leave Ver. 2

This is a "weekly" podcast among friends discussing female reproductive rights specifically including single parenting, abortion, and maternity leave.

Single Parenting, Abortion, & Maternity Leave

This is a "weekly" podcast among friends discussing female reproductive rights specifically including single parenting, abortion, and maternity leave.

Listening to Others

The purpose of this interview was to compare the life of an African American male and the life of women to show the similar struggles we go through.

Me and my Grandma Betsy

A brief summary of our family and insight on both my grandma and I. Also her experiences through her life.