An interview about mostly life in Germany and such with my Dad

As per the title, I did an interview with my dad about his life in Germany and being in the military and such.

Sydney Walsh and Her Story

Sydney Walsh explains to me her childhood and what it was like growing up in a small town. She includes information about her life in college and aspiring career to become a dentist. She also has stories to share about...

Interview With my 89 year-old Grandpa

My Grandpa was born in 1930. We talked about everything from the start of WWII to him going on road trips with my Grandma and all of their kids. We even talked about who he voted for in the 1948...

Jay, GY, and Alex Discuss Stereotypes

Jay and GY, Intensive English Program students from South Korea, discuss stereotypes with Alex, their Language Partner from the U.S. Stereotypes include ones that foreigners have of Korean people and ones they had before coming to the U.S.

“We were our own little support group”

Growing up in a family of eight, Lolly and her older brother, Tom, had the same congenital eye disease. He started a high-end cab company and three radio stations, ran for public office, and was a model for Lolly, showing...

Northern Minnesota Village Girl

What my family, home, and community were like when I was growing up... NOTE: There is an error of WHO the interview is labeled for, at the very beginning. It is NOT for Estelle Lewis in Nashville, but rather it...