A teacher goes to seminary, then feels called to go back to teaching.

"Can my faith and my context line up in ways that create ethical possibilities for the world? Is it possible to be progressive and Christian at the same time?" Megan describes her journey to apply her faith to her life...

Multiracial Experiences: "A Halfway State"

Farhan Azam (Stanford Graduate and Meta Engineer) a close friend of mine and I (Jackie Rin) discuss his educational and identity journey as a Bangladeshi Latino American.

Marilynn Beck interview

She lives on the hill with six sisters and one brother. Parents are in for your best interest.

Cathy (mom) and Elizabeth (daughter) talking about the Covid 19 from 2 (educational) perspectives

I am a science teacher (56) in a middle school struggling to keep my students engaged. My daughter (17) is a high schooler with a very in-depth understanding of how this pandemic is affecting students. We talk about this subject...

Community, Education, and State Pride

I interviewed my former high school English teacher, Mrs. Jessica Salfia, about her views on community during COVID-19, the educational system, and her passion for her state.

Critical Race Theory

On this episode of The Cruz Chronicles: Everything Ted Cruz, Solana Espino and Mirabel Hunt talk about Critical Race Theory and the current controversy surrounding this topic.


Chad Frade is an old friend and colleague. He is a tremendous support as a fellow educator and I sat down to talk about who has been supportive to him as an educator as well.

A Woman’s Reflection on life growing up in Mexico and the hard-to-reach opportunities found there

This interview, was conducted on November 26th, 2017. Lucila Suarez (my mother) answers my questions regarding her home, siblings, parents, town, school, etc. Additionally, I ask questions about the opportunities that she had as a young ambitious teen and how...

Interview between Gurshaan Maan and his Mother

My interviewee was my 45-year-old mother, Kavneet Dhillon. Her and I discussed of her past careers, experiences, and history to get to know her on a deeper level and document this conversation.