Kane Hoff's interview of Allison Hoff on the subject of addiction.

I did this interview on my mom about her trouble with addiction. We look at subjects such as how it came to be, what it was like during, and how she finally got through it.

Spencer Wambeke and Karen Wambeke: A discussion of business and hardwork.

Spencer Wambeke: 2021-11-12 03:27:12 A discussion with Karen Wambeke about the impact of hard work at a young age, and her journey to a business degree, she discusses her job and gives advice about being a college student and the...

An interview with Madeline Graddy about her mixed schooling experience.

Within this interview, my roommate Madeline Graddy describes her schooling experience, and how it differs from others because her father was in the airforce. She explains how moving to new places frequently made her schooling life more difficult, and how...