Julia and Mimi

Me and my grandma (Mimi) talk about her life and her happiest memories

William and Eileen Henning

We talked about my life as a kid, and what my mother’s life was like. We also talked about times in both of our lives where we had been the most in trouble and when our parents were the most...

Family Interview – Brendan Finley

In this interview we talked about my dad’s childhood, college days, his career, and about the life lessons that he has learned over his life.

Lit Life: Marcos Lopez II and Angelique Lopez talk about the similarities between literary and real Hispanic families.

In this recording, a son and his mother discuss the familial lessons conveyed in Marquéz’s 100 Years’ of Solitude. Examining the parallels and differences between the Buendía and our families to distinguish between Marquéz’s depiction of family for literary purposes...

Lit Life: Philip Fan and Audrey Carter talk about The Things They Carried.

In this recording, high school seniors Philip Fan and Audrey Carter discuss the significance of storytelling in The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien.