Sijaama Branch & Scott Acord

Sijaama shares her story of having sickle cell disease. How she felt embarrassed as a kid and hid it from everyone but her family. Over the years she has learned to manage the symptoms, but still has moments where she...

Anne Sarewitz & Molly Swain

Anne's roots to The Mount run deep. Starting around the age of 10 when her family would come here to listen to her 80 yr old grandmother, Eusebia Parker, entertain the old folks to becoming a two-time board member. Her...

Sister Rita Bergamini & Molly Swain

Sr. Rita first lived at Providence Mount St. Vincent (The Mount) when she was a novice back in 1947 and later took her vows at the chapel there. After leaving for her first mission, she returned in 1972 and became...

Karen Ashley & Mike Drummond

As a Black woman, Karen has faced racism in the workplace and has been the only person of color in a meeting many times throughout her career. She shares with Mike what drew her to the DEI work she does...

Miriam "Merry" Bauch & Katy Abelson

When the war broke out, Merry's father and brother were sent to concentrations camps where they were killed. She was sent to a separate camp from her mother, but managed to find one another later in Zakopane, Poland after the...

Sr. Susanne Hartung & Mary Anne Sladich-Lantz with Rosanne Ponzetti

Dear friends, Sr. Susanne & Mary Anne, shared stories of their long friendship, what drives them to do the work they love so much, and their faith & faith traditions. Sr. Susanne also talked about have cancer twice and the...

Laura Reyes & Scott Acord

A positive experience Laura had with a nurse when her father died on Christmas morning, has shaped her career in Patient Experience. Laura shares stories about her fathers influence in her life and her families Christmas Eve celebrations.

Karen Summers & Scott Acord

Karen shares a story about the role her Catholic faith has played in her life and how it has led to her work in mission support at Providence. She also talks about what Christmas means to her and the holiday...