Recording – 03-21-2024 21:23:41

I choose to interview my mom for this. Her name is Maria and idk her age. I asked her who her hero was and who had a big impact on her life. We also discussed what she was most proud...

The red head girl behind me

The redhead girl behind me is Layla. I first met her in our team sports class. We were playing hockey and we ended up on the same team. I need someone other than sweaty boys to talk to so I...

Interview with my boyfriend Chris

I did an interview with my boyfriend and we walked about his decision to join the military what religion means to him etc.

Katie and Tony Pedretti at home the morning of Sunday, December 31st, 2023

Katie and Tony Pedretti are at home the morning of Sunday, December 31st, 2023 talking about Christmas gifts such as her scooter, clothes and tablet, the Pedretti family dice game, her birthday party, earning a gray belt at UFC and...

Josh and Tony Pedretti at home the evening of Saturday, December 30th, 2023

Tony and Josh are at home the evening of Saturday, December 30th, 2023 talking about school tests, grades, a Christmas gift - addon to Roblox's After the Flash - Winter Tide, Lego kits and practicing the saxophone.

April and Lorenzo Martinez

small interview, connection with my father. Mostly about his thoughts and opinions about life.

“Journey Through Family and Identity"

english final for ms shore amber mahomed period 6


This is an interview with my mom, Sarah Balfour, age 45. She answered a variety of questions. Some of the questions were about memories and what makes her happy in life.