Chloe Fortune and Theo Johnson Interview

Chloe Fortune interviews Theo Johnson about his experiences with Type 1 Diabetes.

Josh asks Ava about her experiences with chronic pain and TMJ Disorder
April 29, 2024 App Interview

Josh Walker interviews his friend, Ava, about her experiences with chronic pain and its effects on life at the University of Richmond.

Katie and Tony Pedretti at home the evening of Sunday, April 28th, 2024

Katie and Tony Pedretti are at home the evening of Sunday, April 28th, 2024 talking about earning a strip(e) on her gray belt at UFC, watching the total solar eclipse and her new backyard friends.

Josh and Tony Pedretti at home the evening of Sunday, April 28th, 2024

Tony and Josh are at home the evening of Sunday, April 28th, 2024 talking about earning a gray belt at UFC, chatting with Roblox friends on Discord, watching the total solar eclipse and mapmaking in Ro-Scale Sandbox.

My Interview With My Dad

This is my interview with my dad about his childhood and adult life. In this interview, my dad talks with me about how his life differed a lot from when he was a child to my life as a child.

GRCC Voices Jany and ED

During the Golden Raider event for retirees, I had the privilege of speaking with a former GRCC staff member, ED, about their journey at the school. They shared insightful anecdotes about their time, highlighting the impact GRCC had on their...

GRCC Voices Jany and Patti

During the Golden Raider event for retirees, I had the privilege of speaking with a former GRCC staff member, Patti, about their journey at the school. They shared insightful anecdotes about their time, highlighting the impact GRCC had on their...