Roy Quenneville 3/2024

Me interviewing my dad at him home in Phoenix. he has early onset Alzheimer’s and I was anxious to speak with him cause I don’t get along to well with my dad. I asked him about general life questions. my...

My IT Friend George

George Arce he is 24 years old and my relationship is that he is a good friend that I had in school. He was the IT manager at my school and helped me learn a lot of life lessons.


Mary Devine is interviewing her 20 year old cousin Cailyn Decker about the ups and downs of college and all of the interesting things that she learns at the Culinary Institute of America.

What college and friendship means to me

Andy and I review our semester and talk about how we met, our favorite memories together, and social life. we also discuss college, our upbringing, and how we think these years will help us in life

Megan and Eddie 12/06/23

Megan (20) and her father’s best friend Eddie (55) discuss his life as a musician and artist in New York City and the friendships he has kept along the way.