Quaona Davenport

I interviewed Quaona Davenport, my cousin, about how her life is going and a bit about her past.

Anusha Singh Talks With Her Father, Kripal Singh, About Moving to the US, Difficulties, and Accomplishments

Anusha Singh (17) interviews her father, Kripal Singh (47), about his time before immigrating to the US and his experiences acclimating to life in a new country. They also discuss his accomplishments and difficulties, what he appreciates about living in...

Professor David Hicks Discusses His Career in Anthropology

David Hicks (84) talks about the beginning of his life and early school years in Wales and all the way through his career and recent retirement with his granddaughter, Clara (13). Professor Hicks discusses what sparked his interest in the...

Bode Nolte ( Adult interview)

talking about different experiences she has had when traveling snd new experiences she wants to have and didn’t places