Cold War Interview

Benji interviews his mother Marina about her experiences and her story during the cold war.

Recording – 05-01-2024 10:51:21

Me and my mom and dad talked about are family and where we are from.

My Mom’s account of 9/11

Daughter Miley (17) interviews her mom, Debbie (55), about her experience on September 11, 2001, following the 9/11 attacks.

Recording – 05-05-2024 21:43:35

My dad and I talked about what he remembers about his years in high school and college.

Interviewing Tammy About US History

Interviewing my neighbor about History (Civil War)

Recording – 05-05-2024 21:08:19

Micah (19) and Christa (21) discuss the catholic faith and differences amongst the two.

Zaara Adam interview

Zaara Adam interviewing Afshan Mustafa about the American Revolution