Thoughts regarding Covid-19

A simple, yet personal account of Covid-19 by Marcello Aedo a UCF student from Miami, FL.

DRIP: Smoke

DRIP is a performance art company and is a dance show on International Drive in Orlando as well as traveling performances, like the one done here at Creative City Project in downtown Orlando. We featured a brand new piece called...

Exploring sound, math, and design through interactive experiences

Interactive designer Ginger Leigh talks about her love for math, coding, and creating immersive experiences, and how all of these things come together in her work. Ginger Leigh’s installations have been presented at museums and events around Orlando including Snap!...

The Future of Acroyoga

A conversation between Ryan Bean and McKenna Wilkins of Ascension Acro. The four elements of acroyoga: acrobatics, yoga, thai massage, and community. Inclusion of flow arts (hula hoop, staff, fire props) is the future.